NPM Install Error Code 2503 Fix

I was trying to NPM install and the installer gave me the error code 2503. I do not know what this error code means and therefore, I have no idea as to how to remove this error. I need help. Is it possible?

I was trying to NPM install and the installer gave me the error code 2503. I do not know what this error code means and therefore, I have no idea as to how to remove this error. I need help. Is it possible?
The error code you are getting is during the NPM installation. Therefore it is obvious that something is going wrong during the installation itself. Now, the error code 3503 means that there is a problem with the particular package that the system was installed when the error occurred.
In order to try and fix this, you need to check the Windows installer settings. Make sure that the service is started. If it is not the case, start the service. If this doesn’t work, unregister and register Windows installer.