Nvcpl.dll error when watching DVD’s

Hello everyone.
I am in situation to need some help. Whenever I try to watch a DVD on my laptop the program crashes. Now I am using Windows Media Player 11 and InterVideo Software with MPEG-2 Decoders, and I am facing an error message that tells me that the nvcpl.dll is responsible of the crash. This is the Picture of the error message.
Error Signature
AppName: windvd.exe AppVer: ModName: appaio.dll
ModVer: Offset: 00017c0b
Reporting details
This error report includes information regarding the condition of WinDVD MFC Application when the problem occurred, the operating system version and computer hardware in use, and your Digital Product ID which could be use to identify your license and the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer.
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