I purchased a repaired NVidia GeForce 7900 GS 256MB VGC (Video Graphics Card) PCI-Ex16, having a PCI-Express x16 slot. Â I also purchased a power converted. After connecting it, my PC did not detect it. Thus, I searched for the drivers online and installed them, but the error message says that my Video Graphics Card cannot be detected. In brief, my PC is not detecting my VGC although it is has been properly inserted. Do you have any solutions to this problem?
Answered By
James U
10 points
Nvidia Geforce 7900 GS 256MB VGC video card not detected
April de gusman
It is prudent to inform you that all the graphic cards are the graphics card are made to fit a specific motherboard.
Now you have not mentioned the model of your Pc or its motherboard, as such we can only assume that this graphic card is NOT compatible with the board.
Before, taking any decisions, you are advised to first check the integrity of the graphic card, as you have mentioned that the card is a repaired NVidia GeForce 7900 GS 256MB. Please check the card first by installing it on some other Pc. If the card is working on other Pc than the issue is with the motherboard compatibility.
Another advice, the drivers from NVidia are not very reliable, so try to work with alternate drivers from some other site e.g. http://www.nodevice.com/driver/GeForce_7900_GS/get37251.html