Please help, I tried coding Objective-C with Cocoa in Xcode and Leopard Interface Builder but the resultant out has some errors. Any ideas how to resolve this issue?
RunPlatFormUnitTests.Include – OCT
error: -[RightTriangleTestCases testCreateRightTriangle] : Line Location RightTriang
error: -[RightTriangleTestCases testCreateRightTriangle] : Line Location RightTriang
error: Failed tests for architecture 'i386' (GC OFF)        Line Location RunPlatform
error: Failed tests for architecture 'i386' (GC ON)         Line Location RunPlatform
note: Compilation tests for architectures 'i386'           Line Location RunPlatform
note: Failed tests for architecture 'i386' (GC OFF)        Line Location RunPlatform
note: Failed tests for architecture 'i386' (GC ON)         Line Location RunPlatform
note: Started tests for architectures 'i386'               Line Location RunPlatform
RunPlatformUnitTests.include – 301
Objective-C with Cocoa in Xcode and Leopard Interface Builder coding error
Take a look at the apple latest sample of code and read the "read me" file and check if you are doing any thing wrong.
To run the logic tests:
1. Choose Project > Set Active Target > CalculatorTests.
2. Choose Project > Set Active SDK > Simulator.
3. Choose Build > Build. Xcode runs the test cases implemented in the CalculatorTests.m file.
4. Choose Build > Build Results to open the Build Results window, containing the tests results. You may have to click the Show Transcript button (the third button on the bottom-left corner of the build results list) to view the build transcript.