Obtaining The Acronis True Image Free Trial Step By Step
Hi tech gurus out there!
I want to know if I could try the splendid Acronis true image free trial, I feel its possible . can anybody let me know?
Hi tech gurus out there!
I want to know if I could try the splendid Acronis true image free trial, I feel its possible . can anybody let me know?
Hey there! Acronis offers this feature for trying its versions for free. Kindly follow the guidelines :
1 open the website of acronis true image 2016 that is forsure available at every browser .
you will be directed to its website , and click on the for home option present at the very top.Â
2. as you click the for home option a dialogue box appears then click on the second option that says Acronis true image 2016,and again you get certain other options on the side , where you can see the prices if you buy the software.
Go to the bottom which says download free trial. You get directed to new page asking for your email. Fill the formalities.
3. click on the start now button and the save your download file , and save your file.
4. Now you have the file in your downloads . Hope that helps.