Obtaining traffic to my website

How can I obtain traffic to my website? I’ve been trying some other ways but I’m not able to do it right. It will be helpful for my web marketing. So, please help me. Thanks!Â

How can I obtain traffic to my website? I’ve been trying some other ways but I’m not able to do it right. It will be helpful for my web marketing. So, please help me. Thanks!Â
Hello Lisette Patterson,
To get more traffic on your site you have to follow many techniques that will help you to get many visitors. Firstly, you have to create a lot of back links on the websites that is related to your site or business.
Then you have to submit articles in many websites. You have to think what type of keywords can be searched more.
After listing many keywords write effective articles on those keywords and make many words linked with the associated pages of your site so that at the time of reading those articles visitors can click on those words and this click will bring them to your website.
It is an effective way because plain text with many linked word is found easily. Participate different forum and answer different question so that you can give some link of your website in the answer.
Make the all pages of your website linked with the Google regularly. Always think which thing is searched and submit those things as article at different websites.
If you have a website, one problem that needs regular checking is how to get traffic. If you have the budget, the easiest way to drive traffic to your website is to put on advertisements. You can sign up your website for advertisements for a period of time.
This doesn’t guarantee though that massive traffic will be driven to your website but it does guarantee 100% exposure to users worldwide. But if you want to do it the cheaper way, you can do it manually by putting backlinks to your website on different websites. This method is quite painful because it requires a lot of patience and perseverance.
In this method, you need to find websites where you can post backlinks to your website and the good candidates would be social media websites, bulletin boards, and forum sites. Posting backlinks to your website on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and others is easy. You just need to have plenty of friends and followers so your posts will reach thousands of users worldwide.
Your posts also need to be catchy so it can attract the attention of various users. If you wish to post backlinks on forum sites, make sure you read every site’s rules for posting and proper behavior. They are strict most of the time so better check their posting rules so as not to get your account suspended or blocked or worst your IP address banned.