OCI Error Encountered – Oracle

Hello TechyV buddies!
I am having some issue using Oracle. I was using BIDS(Visual Studio) 2008 R2 with Attunity Oracle Provider 1.1 (source SSIS component) against Oracle, Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bi. My dev. box is a 32bit machine, running WinXP Pro. Using TNSNames.ora on my dev. Box allows me to connect to this Oracle database using SQL DEVELOPER smoothly and with no issues.
(ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = TCP.na.smurfit.com)(PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = mchir008)(Port = 1522)) )
The Attunity provider have no issues or any errors at the beginning. However, an error suddenly appeared to show this:
"OCI Error Encountered" message.
This is a Visual Studio message and states only, "OCI Error Encountered".
Can anyone help me solve this issue? I don’t know what went wrong with my provider. I will really appreciate the effort in solving this. Thank you!