Hi there,
When I try to connect and activate my account on Office 365 to my iPhone this error with No Subscription Found appears. Recently I bought Office 365 with a license and I think I have activated my account. Can anyone help me to fix this problem ? Is there a chance that I might be lost my license cause of a mistake ?
Thanks !
No Subscription Found
We couldn’t find a subscription connected to your account.
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Office 365 shows error on iPhone
This problem usually occurs when the user account isn’t set up to a Microsoft Office Professional Plus license. To solve this issue,
1. Login into your account and check that the user is assigned an Office Professional Plus license. You have to wait about 15 minutes for the users to be set up and allowed to activate Office product.
2. You might also need to check the service health status for the Office Subscription Service. This page describes everything in details.
Now you should have got your Office 365 activated.