OfficeScan requirements that are similar to Group Policy

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello there, you guys!

We are going to apply for an OfficeScan account but we wanted to know first what are the existing user privileges from our Group Policy that will also be required in OfficeScan? 

We want this merge to be as smooth as possible without compromising the integrity of our system so if you know anything about this, please help.

Thank you! 

Answered By 55 points N/A #94145

OfficeScan requirements that are similar to Group Policy

  1. Well for this purpose you have to read the FAQ section on the Office Scan website. Or you have to contact their customer support as they will be the best thing to be contacted with to answer all of your queries.
  2. However judging from the replies from the people over the internet I think that it will go smooth without any problem unless or until you do something that is not in perimeter and is not defined already by the system.
  3. Apply for the account without any doubt and with full confidence. Choose the type of membership that suits you the best.
  4. Once done, ask them for the guide of how to merge them with your group policy and they will guide you through each and every step in detail and will troubleshoot you too if there is any problem occurred during this.


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