Online html help news help

Is there any website that keeps people up to date about new HTML stuffs? There are new HTML stuffs coming up regularly and I need to be updated. It would be great if it had tutorial as well.

Is there any website that keeps people up to date about new HTML stuffs? There are new HTML stuffs coming up regularly and I need to be updated. It would be great if it had tutorial as well.
Hi Kimghartwick ,
You can visit: to get HTML-5 updates.
Hope this helps.
Hi Kimghartwick , Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the base of all the websites in the world. There were some different HTML versions such as HTML-2, 3.2, 4.0 and now the latest version is HTML 5. All HTML standards controlled by the World Wide Web consortium. There you can get latest HTML updates and all the latest syntaxes. You can visit to get HTML-5 updates. Also you can get a clear idea about all HTML elements by visiting Also they have explained them by giving very good examples.
Hope this was helpful.