Hello TechyV buddies!
I am having some problem with loading Dreamweaver.
Whenever I open it, always encounter an error. The error is this:
While Executing onLoad in _onOpen.htm, the following JavaScript error(s) occurred:
In file "_onOpen";
onOpen is not defined
Can anyone help me configure this problem?
I am not sure what could have caused this issue.
If there is anyone there who has knowledge about this please don’t be hesitant to share it.
Thank you!
Onload in _ onopen.htm java script error(s) – Dreamweaver
Hello Canyon,
To resolve the issue you are getting when using Dreamweaver, you will need to use the following workarounds:
On Dreamweaver, you will need to go to menu, and then click on properties
You will need to customize and then clear list
After that open the Dreamweaver using the main link, for instance start, and then Macromedia Dreamweaver. You should not get an error when you do it that way.
Another workaround:
You will need to get rid of the current configuration folders.
That will enable Dreamweaver to generate new ones for you.
To do that, you will need to first of all close your Dreamweaver and then go to the following folder: C:Docu and SettingsYOUR_W DataAdobeDrea CS4en_US
You will need to rename the configuration folder and then open your Dreamweaver.