Open a Command Prompt in Windows 7

While working in Windows 7, I sometimes need to open a command prompt that should start in a specific folder. How do I open a command prompt without typing "CD " and the whole path into the folder I wanted?

While working in Windows 7, I sometimes need to open a command prompt that should start in a specific folder. How do I open a command prompt without typing "CD " and the whole path into the folder I wanted?
This is a simple thing:
Hope this is what you want. Good luck!
I had the same problem before. Giving the path is the most embarrassing work that das to do when using the command line. I usually use open source operating systems, so I am little bit familiar with the command line. But for a person who use graphical user interface this is difficult and boring.
Here is the way you had to follow,
You can open the command prompt at the any folder in your computer.
Just go to the folded you want,
Then Right click the folder while holding the shift key then you can see a new option “Open command window here”
Just click it,
Thank you…
To access folders using the command prompt, the method that I know of is using the 'CD' command, which you can get by going to start, then programs, from there navigate to accessories where you will see command prompt, click on it.
You simply go to the command prompt and type CD followed by the name of the folder in full quotes. For instance, if your folder is named john, you will type CD "john", then press enter to access it.
You can also change the place of access to the command prompt through the command prompt launcher which you access from the accessories on your computer programs.
Hope this helps.
Lee Hung.