Open source pdf organizer review websites that will give me more information on how to manipulate pdf files and what are those websites that can give me some tutorial and more knowledge about this because pdf nowadays is a very big part of the growing business of technology.
Regards, Claire
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15 points
Open source PDF organizer review websites.
Hi Claire Esseck,
Portable Document Format (PDF) is one of the most popular document formats in the world. The main advantage is that you do not need to install all the fonts that used to create the pdf. That means it is portable. I can provide some links to PDF creators. There is a inbuilt PDF manipulating tool in the LibreOffice that totally free. You can create professional level pdf files using LibreOffice. Using that software you can convert a word, excel, or power point file in to a pdf using a single mouse click.
I found long list of pdf software in the Wikipedia site.
Here is the URL
 Think this is helpful.