Open source recipe software for EBook

Our food company is going to make an EBook with the help of open source recipe software. Which option is used to transfer recipes into an EBook file?

Our food company is going to make an EBook with the help of open source recipe software. Which option is used to transfer recipes into an EBook file?
Hi Aavel,
I will give you two options to choose, the calibre ebook and ebookgold. Both are great for your recipes. Here is the link of calibre and for ebookgold, go to
At the ebookgold website, continue to scroll down the page until the end and you can see Click to order … And if you choose calibre, when you go to the website, you can download it from there, it's free.
Calibre is the most polished,reliable and most useful option of free and open source software It can convert from and to various format, allowing you to turn .epub documents to kindle .Mobi formats and these features will work on number of devices, like tablet, e-link readers,smartphones and other portable digital device.
Hope this help.