Opening Task Manager From ‘Run’ In Windows
Hey everyone, was just wondering if there is any shortcut to open task manager, apart from opening it from right-clicking on the taskbar in Windows. Is there any way to start ‘task manager’ from a run?
Hey everyone, was just wondering if there is any shortcut to open task manager, apart from opening it from right-clicking on the taskbar in Windows. Is there any way to start ‘task manager’ from a run?
Hey there,
Yes, you can start the task manager from the run. You can follow the steps below:
1. Click on start menu and type ‘run’ in the search box.
2. Press enter, a dialog box will appear.
3. Type ‘taskmgr’ without quotes.
4. Click on ‘OK’ and there you go.
Alternatively, you can press ‘Windows key + R’ to open ‘run’ dialog box directly.
Apart from ‘run’, task manager can also be started from command prompt from the same ‘taskmgr’ keyword.
1. Click on start menu, type cmd and press Enter.
2. At the command prompt window, type ‘taskmgr’ without quotes and press Enter.
3. You will see the task manager window in front of you.