Opening two or more Facebook accounts in 1 browser

Is it possible to open two Facebook accounts in one browser?
What is the maximum number of accounts that can be opened?

Is it possible to open two Facebook accounts in one browser?
What is the maximum number of accounts that can be opened?
Dear Jose Mathias
Yes, it is possible to open two facebook accounts in one browser.
You can open your all accounts in different tab.
In Firefox
1. First you need to install the CookiePie extension from Nektra site.
2. Now in the current tab, login using your first ID
3. Then open a new tab and right click on the tab and select Toggle On/Off Cookiepie.
Now you will see a cookie on this tab.
4. Finally on this new tab, you can now go to the Facebook website or any other website and login with another ID.
In Internet Explorer 8
In Internet Explorer 8, there is an option New Session which allows you to start a new window with a new session.
You have to open IE8, then go to the facebook website and login with your first ID.
Next go to File > New session. This will automatically open a new window. Now browse to the same site like Facebook and you will be able to login with another ID. Â
Hope it will help you.