Opensearchnews debuts to publish open source search

Hi! I am just wondering, whether this open searchnews is having the same functionality as Google search? Will it become Google's rival as the most popular search engine?

Hi! I am just wondering, whether this open searchnews is having the same functionality as Google search? Will it become Google's rival as the most popular search engine?
The will known Arnold IT, the publisher of Beyond Search and an expert in searching and content processing, has released the site named
The service publishes recent critical commentary relating to product information, and additional sources of information about open source search. The free service publishes their work on Monday through Friday via the micro site
The new open search news information service provides news and analysis about the active market for open source search through web.
Property from IBM to Lucid Imagination are joining into open source search systems, adding their features and functions by providing a lower cost and a higher operating efficiency, fundability solution.
This site is no compare to Google. They mainly work on the business sectors area. So if in future they come to the position of Google, it will be treated as a late entry for them.