Opera Mini 12 jar for Java phone

One of my friends is using Opera mini 12 on his Android phone, which gives him a perfect view of websites. Is that version available for Java Phones, If so where can I download Opera mini 12 jar for Java phone.

One of my friends is using Opera mini 12 on his Android phone, which gives him a perfect view of websites. Is that version available for Java Phones, If so where can I download Opera mini 12 jar for Java phone.
In the software Industry, .JAR, Short for Java Archive, Is an archive file format typically used to combine many Java types of files and related metadata and resources such as text, images etc., Into one file to distribute application software successfully on the Java platform. I mentioned this to justify you can freely install Opera Mini 12 on your Java Phone because Opera Mini 12 requires the mobile phone to run Java platform, Talking about compatibility.
To download Opera Mini 12 Jar, Go to Opera Mini website. On the drop down menu, Select the type of Opera mini you wish to download, Click View download link button, Click International link, Select Save File.
Opera mini is available for both Android and Java phones. I’m just not sure what the last version is for Java phones because the latest version at the moment works for Android only. Java-enabled phones are no longer supported. To download the latest version of Opera mini for your Java phone, go to Opera All Mobile Applications.
Try visiting the link with your mobile phone and not with your computer. Another way to download the latest Opera mini for your Java phone is to visit Opera Mobile with your phone. This link will not work on computers because it will redirect to the standard Opera website (https://www.opera.com) and not to the mobile site https://www.opera.com/mobile).