Operation Output: BlackBerry Tablet OS Graphical Aid, Invalid Argument
Good day,
After downloading the program, I tried to install it, but came across a problem.
This file blackberry-keytool.bat seemed to be the cause, is it corrupted?
Can we download this file separately from the installer and replace it with a good copy of the bat file?
BlackBerry Tablet OS Graphical Aid
Operation Output
2012-02-16 11:44:01.076 BlackBerryGraphicalAid[22892-203] *** NSTask: Task create for path ‘/Users/BioShout/Desktop/BlackBerry Development/TabletOS SDK 2.0.0/blackberry-tablet-sdk-2.0.0/bin/black berry-keytool.bat’ failed: 22, “Invalid argument”, Terminating temporary process.