Operation Output: BlackBerry Tablet OS Graphical Aid, Invalid Argument

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Good day,

After downloading the program, I tried to install it, but came across a problem.

This file blackberry-keytool.bat seemed to be the cause, is it corrupted?

Can we download this file separately from the installer and replace it with a good copy of the bat file?

BlackBerry Tablet OS Graphics Aid

BlackBerry Tablet OS Graphical Aid

Operation Output

2012-02-16 11:44:01.076 BlackBerryGraphicalAid[22892-203] *** NSTask: Task create for path ‘/Users/BioShout/Desktop/BlackBerry Development/TabletOS SDK 2.0.0/blackberry-tablet-sdk-2.0.0/bin/black berry-keytool.bat’ failed: 22, “Invalid argument”, Terminating temporary process.

Best Answer by marsh watson
Answered By 0 points N/A #168925

Operation Output: BlackBerry Tablet OS Graphical Aid, Invalid Argument



It seems that there is a .bat entry where it shouldn't be.

You can correct it by doing the following,

1. Download the Flash Builder Project version.

2. Open your workspace and import it.

3. Locate the file Configuration Wizard.mxml and remove the .bat off of "blackberry-keytool.bat".

4. Then build it and run.

Hope this helps.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #168926

Operation Output: BlackBerry Tablet OS Graphical Aid, Invalid Argument


Hello Dennis,

It seems to be a problem of scripting and batch file congestion. It looks like that your operating system is calling Windows batch file in place of Mac OS script file.

In order to resolve the issue you must install flash builder in your system.

Just install Flash Builder Project version and open configuration wizard.mxml then delete the .bat file and run the program.


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