Oracle 12G Client Installation Error

Evening people,
I have tracked an error while installation of oracle 12g on HPUX 11.30.
Error is shown in the image. I had checked the MOS Doc 983713 for solution to my problem, but couldn’t find any solution to it there. So if anyone knows where to get the correct MOS Doc 983713, please let me know, because it would possibly be having solution to my issue.
And you don’t know, then just tell me how to fix this problem.
I have logged into many Oracle forms and discussion boards, but didn’t got any answer to my query. If there is any tool to test or fix it, let me know. I have checked all patches are installed and running smoothly. That’s why I am unable to know the actual cause of this error.
Please anyone who is familiar to this error reply to me, so I can resolve this issue using your guidelines.
Oracle Cleint installer <@node1>
An internal error occurred within cluster verification framework
Unable to get the current group