Oracle Changes in exam delivery Interface compared to olden days .

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I have a doubt in one question i encountered while reading Informatica exam dumps. Question: Which tree are true?

A. A merge statement is used to merge the data of one table with data from another.

B. A merge statement replaces the data of one table with that of another.

C. A merge statement can be used to insert new rows into a table.

D. A merge statement can be used to update existing rows in a table. Correct answer was given as A ,B and C. I'm very much certain about A, B, C and it seems like all are correct. I think a merge statement can be used to update existing rows in a table as it normally does if the row exist in table. then why they have not included d in the answer.

Please help with your advice.


Answered By 0 points N/A #162429

Oracle Changes in exam delivery Interface compared to olden days .




The MERGE statement only modifies a table when there is a particular use of input data. If the rows in the aimed table are corresponding equally to the input data then it gets updated as it has been specified, In case if rows are existing in the targeted table then rows are inserted first.It is very clear though the Merge statement typically relies upon matching condition.Insert ,Update and deletion is the functioning which is performed by the Merge Table,fulfilling the above criteria results in execution that is why Answer D is not included unless its is true.



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