I have a system user containing complete usage of the home folder relating to the server in addition to, he is also a local administrator on his computer. The issue is actually whenever he works through outlook 2003 and also attempts to back up an attachment through clicking on "my documents" (is usually pointing to home folder relating file server) he receives an access denied.
The following mainly takes place within outlook 2003. So what is the problem in here?
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Outlook 2003 attachment is not working
Hi Mathew,
The problem with your Outlook 2003 is your receiving same files over and over again that's why Outlook stop you to open same files. Outlook only allows 100 same files, so if you exceed on that you have to delete your older files so you can open new file again. Here's how to do it, go to C:/ users / USERNAME / AppData / Local / Microsoft / Windows / Temporary Internet Files / content. Outlook / numbers (there some type of folder a random letter/ number written there.) So when you get there delete all the files that have the same file names and after that try to open your new attachment file and see what happen.Â
I hope this will help.