I have a POP 3 account configured in Microsoft Outlook 2007. I have Windows Vista installed on my computer.
I am receiving emails in Outlook, but sometimes i receive double and triple copies of the same emails in Outlook. At certain times, i would not receive double or triple copies of the same emails ,but i would receive double or triple copies of a specific email from specific recipients. I would like to know why Outlook is downloading the same email message multiple times and how this can be prevented.Â
I do notice that this problem normally occurs when i loose connection to the internet while Outlook is downloading emails. Once the internet connection is restored, Outlook re download the emails that it was busy downloading ,when the connection failed.
Please help.
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Outlook downloading email messages multiple times
Hi there, Brice here
There are two things that could be causing this issue of yours:
One could be on the sender of the email's end. There is a possibility that due to connection issues on his/her side, the mail he/she is sending to you was sent twice or even thrice. If you want to know, you can ask the sender of the email if he/she had problems in the connection while sending the mail.
Another cause could be on your side, like you've mentioned, you notice that this happens when your connection is having trouble, this can be the cause due to the nature of Outlook. When the connection is lost during the transfer, the idea is to try and get it back again and restart the process, sometimes due to this even though the email was gotten successfully, another one is taken due to the unstable internet connection. What you can do here is to consult your ISP and try to ask them to fix your connection.
Outlook downloading email messages multiple times
When receiving email messages twice or worse triple or more is caused by Outlook settings. The email messages is still available and ready for download.
You might still have a copy of these messages on the web server saved in your inbox.
On your Outlook 2007, you may activate the feature that you allow Outlook 2007 to leave a copy of messages on the server and remove it after a number of days or according to your desired configurations.
On Outlook 2007, you may click on Tools, Account Settings
Highlight your account name, then click on Change button
click on More Settings and click Advanced button
Activate the Delivery feature by putting a check on Leave a copy of messages on server
According to your taste, you may either check both boxes on Remove from server after number of days
Or remove from server when deleted from Deleted Items
Either of the 2, you may activate the feature
These steps should take care of duplicate messages.