Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 11/08/2011
I’m working is Windows XP Professional and Outlook 2002.
When I tried to remove a large number of e-mails from inbox I’m getting error message which says about an unknown error.
I have tried to repair the Inbox with tool, and the scanning finds some errors but it cannot be repair. How to repair it?
Answered By
Rogers U
10 points
Outlook Repair Tool Hanging up.
Hello Maynard,
The outlook repair tool (Scanpst.exe) is a very useful program installed with the win XP installation, and works on your Personal Folders file (.pst)
However, this tool may NOT work on outlook 2002 due to one reason only, and that is when your Personal Folder file has reached / exceeded the 2 GB limit.
The error you have reported is very much relevant to the above reason.
To check the .pst folder size perform the following:
Go to
(Disk drive: Documents and SettingsusernameLocal SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook).
Locate the .pst file, and right click on it, and in the properties, check the size.
If it is 2 GB or more, you need to use the (pst/ost cropping tool) which will make the .pst file size shrink / smaller.
This tool can be downloaded from:
Download Link
Now extract the 2gb152.exe file to an empty folder.
These files will be present: Msstdfmt.dll, Msvbvm60.dll, Pst2gb.exe, Readme.rtf, and Readme.txt
Step 1- Click on Pst2gb.exe, than browse to the .pst file as per path mentioned above, click on open, click create, select the name and location where you want to store the truncated data file, type in 25 MB,
Now run the inbox repair tool, if it works, than OK, otherwise repeat the process mentioned in Step 1.
You may have to use this process two or three times, till the inbox repair tool works.
One more thing > have you tried to ARCHIVE your mails. Archiving the mails from inbox definitely tune up the mail boxes and e mail programs, and it is very much possible that you will be needing the repair tools etc.
How to archive E-mails please visit the url: Download Link1