PaaS Benefits vs. Iaas and Saas
Why would a company who sells access to video games online, choose to use PaaS over IaaS or SaaS with regard to cloud computing?
Why would a company who sells access to video games online, choose to use PaaS over IaaS or SaaS with regard to cloud computing?
Paas stands for Platform as a Service. This would be considered an advantage to such a company because it presents a stronger vendor lock-in, then the IaaS and Saas put together. It also can be used as a hosting platform so customers to the company site can easily access whatever it is they want, using their password. Unlike the (Iaas) Infrastructure as a Service which isn't exposed
 to the customers the Paas is exposed to the customers and they have access to the company's information. In Paas the customers cannot control it and it is limited to IaaS platforms.
These are the main reasons a company may decide to use the Paas platform rather than the IaaS and the SaaS combined.
One requirement for these new cloud applications is that they must be portable across cloud environments. Platform as a Service or PaaSÂ allows the company to provide their clients with games that are running on the cloud ( on another platform ) instead of their local computers. With PaaS the end-user can play video-games at full speed without even realizing that he is using the resources of the cloud.
IaaS and SaaS could work together to provide customers with the same gaming experience but it would be more complicated. Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS means that customers are getting exactly what they ordered, not more or less. With SaaS the company would have the servers for the games but they wouldn’t be hosted by them, but by another hosting company. Also the users would have to access the applications through a web browser, which makes it kind of annoying.
So the gaming company would have to put in twice the amount of work if they would choose IaaS and SaaS over PaaS.
Ultimately the best way for such a company to perform is to use all three services. All three services together ( PaaS + IaaS + SaaS ) make another new kind of service named IT-as-a-Service which ultimately is a vision that has all the cloud services and types.