I bought a new laptop computer before a week ago and created three partitions because it has 1TB storage capacity 😉
But now the two partitions, D: and E:, are not accessible. When I double click on them I get error message that tells me that they are not accessible.
They both were working fine until yesterday.
What could be the problem?
Location is not available.
D: is not accessible.
Access is denied.
Partition drive not accessible. Access is denied
Hey Jayrose Miranda!
It seems that you do not have permission to access the drives but as you have mentioned above that everything was working perfectly a day ago so there must be some other reason.
Anyways you do not worry about the problem. Just follow these steps to open your hard drives.
1. Click on Start button, Select Run and type cmd and hit enter.
2. It will open the Command Prompt window. Type there takeown /f <drive_name> /R /D Y and hit enter.
Please note: In <drive-name> write the name of your drive which you want to access.
3. You should be able to access the drive not.
But of the problem persists, you should format your drive and scan your drive for errors and fix them.