PartnerOne and ExpertOne from HP

What are PartnerOne and ExpertOne from HP ? For what purpose we use this ? Is it a device ? If it is a device how much it costs?

What are PartnerOne and ExpertOne from HP ? For what purpose we use this ? Is it a device ? If it is a device how much it costs?
Hi Bertha Griffen
PartnerONE is the award-winning flagship partner program through which HP manages various partner resources and offers and initiatives for its reseller and distributor partners.
HP PartnerONE includes three levels of membership based on partners’ levels of participation and engagement with HP.
HP ExpertONE is program. They welcome to community to HP Discover. With so many experts and so much great content under one roof, this is the one "don't miss" event of the year where people will get hands-on knowledge and experience so people can put tomorrow's technology to work today.
Best Regards,
Amanda Morson
HP PartnerOne is a channel partner program that offers benefits and resources for VARs or Value-Added Resellers, service providers, system integrators, hosting providers, distributors, ISVs or Independent Software Vendors, and other businesses that wish to collaborate or team up with Hewlett-Packard. Members of the program can access a variety of certifications and financial incentives, discounts, and benefits. The structure of the membership contains 4 program levels:
Every level of the program has its own set of benefits, rewards, and requirements. HP ExpertOne is an IT or Information Technology professional certification and training program which covers the products of Hewlett-Packard. It helps HP employees, HP customers, and HP reseller partners to improve, manage, and maintain their IT expertise. The chief components of the program are training, community, and certification.
Certification verifies that a person has obtained the knowledge and mastered a particular set of skills or expertise to be able to do a job role and to work with certain HP products or solutions.