Password breach for Nvidia ?

NVIDIA a big Graphic Card company has faced a security breach of infiltration in their accounts? Does anyone know which all accounts effected by this security breach?

NVIDIA a big Graphic Card company has faced a security breach of infiltration in their accounts? Does anyone know which all accounts effected by this security breach?
Nvidia said it shut down its forums earlier this month when suspicious activity was detected. "We are employing additional security measures to minimize the impact of future attacks," the company said in a statement on Thursday.
Nvidia noted that the encrypted passwords included a random value know as "salt" that makes it more difficult to convert the hash back into a plain-text password using specialist software programs.
Users who have the same password for other websites should change it, Nvidia advised. Forum users will receive an email with a temporary password and instructions on how they can reset their account, the company said.
The breach on the security that happened on NVIDIA was about the 800 users of its forum sites. The mobile processor and graphics manufacturer company verified that around 800 of its online forum users had their usernames and passwords and other personal information posted online. Because of this incident, NVIDIA suspended NVIDIA Forums in reaction to the suspicious activity and to start an investigation right away.
They also verified that a small amount of the users’ hashed passwords for DevZone has been posted to the public. The NVIDIA Developer Zone would remain offline until the company is finished with its investigation. They also recommend that users should change their password if in case they have similar passwords somewhere else.
When the system comes back online, they will reset all forum user passwords. The users will receive a temporary password via email together with the instructions on how to change the password.