Patent Rights: A war in this modern era

What are the different patent rights that different phone manufacturers are fighting over? How to determine if you are violating some rights?

What are the different patent rights that different phone manufacturers are fighting over? How to determine if you are violating some rights?
To answer your question we have to define was patenting is. Having a patent means, you have all the right on an intellectual property however, there is no such thing as a worldwide patent. Example you have a patent in United States your patent only works in that country. One of the most controversial patent war on phones is the Apple vs. Samsung. Apple is claiming that Samsung are stealing ideas from them. Which made Samsung to counter attack and files cases in Germany and Japan. To avoid from violating rights you must start being conscious during the making of the prototype of your product. You must read each of your future competitor's patent rights to avoid any patent infringement. You can also contact a lawyer to help you with the whole process. Always work with your lawyer while processing.