Path Not Found Error on Adding Win 7 Professional on Local Domain

Asked By 110 points N/A Posted on -

I'm using a newly bought Windows 7 Professional PC and I want to add this to a network. But I failed to add this on the local domain that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. I got no issue on running this on my Windows 2000 computer. My Win 7 PC can't seem to locate the domain account and User Id when altering workgroup to domain. I always get a "Path not found" error. I can Ping the server from my PC.

What I want to know is if there is anything that keeps blocking my Win 7 on presenting to its domain? How can I configure the settings to be able to allow domain login? I already tried to disable the IPv6 on the TCP/IP settings, but I'm still getting the same issue. I need help.

Best Answer by dkindia
Answered By 0 points N/A #89620

Path Not Found Error on Adding Win 7 Professional on Local Domain


Did you also disable the TCP NetBIOS helper service? What does an nbtstat show? Can you back  to the server?

Answered By 110 points N/A #89622

Path Not Found Error on Adding Win 7 Professional on Local Domain


Yes I have already disabled all setting but yet not able to join window with Server 2008.

Answered By 0 points N/A #89625

Path Not Found Error on Adding Win 7 Professional on Local Domain


Windows 2008 R2 domains operate differently than Windows 2k. That being said, make sure the 2k 2008 R2 is properly accessible throughout the network. This includes any DNS fudging — if any settings prevent 2k 2008 R2 from being properly routed via internal DNS, then you're clearly out of luck joining clients.

Answered By 110 points N/A #89626

Path Not Found Error on Adding Win 7 Professional on Local Domain


Yes, it's joining within XP. Any other issue related to this?

Answered By 0 points N/A #89627

Path Not Found Error on Adding Win 7 Professional on Local Domain


Windows 7 pro will not join the domain. Tell me there is a DNS issue. The domain controller is not the DNS server so I wouldn't suspect it to connect via DNS. My XP machines all joined just fine and work fine.

Answered By 110 points N/A #89628

Path Not Found Error on Adding Win 7 Professional on Local Domain


I have however had issues log in, into the domain over wireless, upon reboot. After pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL and entering my password, it says something about the domain not being found. But then if I keep trying after about five attempts it just works. Doesn't do it on my LAN however.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #89629

Path Not Found Error on Adding Win 7 Professional on Local Domain


Have you tried manually adding the computer account to Active Directory before joining the Windows 7 PC to the domain?

Answered By 110 points N/A #89630

Path Not Found Error on Adding Win 7 Professional on Local Domain


Lets start from the basics:

  • Have you configured your NIC properly i. e. manually assigning the IP address and providing the Windows 2K3 IP address to the DNS field?
  • When you provide the domain name, just above that, is there a more button, where you have to specify the Primary DNS suffix name?

Your issue happened to me, when connecting my Vista and other XP client machines to my Windows 2K3 server. We fixed it by following the above solutions. Check and let us know.

Answered By 110 points N/A #89631

Path Not Found Error on Adding Win 7 Professional on Local Domain


Ok, I have followed all given steps its working fine now. Thank you Dk.

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