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Posted on - 08/29/2011
Yesterday, I went to a friend of mine to check his PC.
I opened the case and it was full of dust and we both decided to do a clean up (we didn't used any liquid-based product).
After we took care of every component we put them back all together and plugged it in. As soon as I pressed the power button, the whole PC lighten up as if it was about to explode. I then plugged it out and waited for a few minutes.
We then decided to check if it still works and to our amazement it turned on without any problems.
Do you have any idea what might have caused it as it was really dangerous?
I want to do my best to avoid this kind of situation.
Pc almost blown up – unknown source
Yeah. Maybe your computer when you were fixing a little misplacement must have happened with the graphics card or the other thing.
So, there is no problem and a way to imagine that the computer is about to explode.
It is just a graphics card problem and the screen problem. If the card is placed properly, you will not find any kind of issue.
You must be careful about the graphics card. It is very delicate and tends to get disturbed when you clean the computer. So, you must be very careful about the graphics card while cleaning that.
Pc almost blown up – unknown source
Good thing that nothing happens between you and your friend. Even great, Coz your computer is still working.
To avoid the same situation from happenings, here are my suggested steps of cleaning computer hardware, components inside.
Cleaning Materials
 * Alcohol – used for moisturising and soften rusty and hard dust
 * Vacuum – used for dust particles inside that is not easy to reached
 * Cotton – used for rubbing excess liquid particles when alcohol is being applied.
 * Foam – used for swabbing
Hardware and Components inside
 * Gently wipe dust affected area with few drops of cotton wet alcohol to remove particles

 * Vacuum dust inside to avoid damaged components and might loosen hardware connections
 * Lastly, before doing all these, make sure that the power cable is unplugged from electrical surge protector to avoid electric shock.
Pc almost blown up – unknown source
In a standard motherboard, the only possible source of light inside the CPU tower is one LED connected to the motherboard. When you plug the power cable to the power, the LED will turn on even without pressing the power button on the CPU. This LED is like a power indicator that helps you identify if the CPU is connected to a power source.
Maybe this is the one that light up so bright. An LED can light up so bright if the power is increased up to a certain level without damaging the LED itself. Next time, if you want to clean the CPU, don’t disassemble the components to avoid damaging the parts.
You can use a small blower to remove the dust from the motherboard and in between the different small electronic parts.