PC is asking for login to Windows Live

PC is suddenly asking for login to Windows Live, and it is accepting my e-mail account logins. I never used it or set up it. I don’t know what happened, but just know that it has changed my e-mail settings.

PC is suddenly asking for login to Windows Live, and it is accepting my e-mail account logins. I never used it or set up it. I don’t know what happened, but just know that it has changed my e-mail settings.
Hello Kris,
You do not have to be worried about that because your windows live login credentials and your Hotmail email accounts login credentials are usually the same.
So this time windows live may have asked for the login usernames and passwords because you exited the sessions and logged out completely the last time you used it. For you to login automatically to windows live, you are supposed to use the remember my username and password option so that the next time you log in you will not be required to provide the username and password.
Mahesh Babu
 Hi Kris Humphries,
There are many reasons for asking login to Windows live. One thing may be happened any windows live elements is responsible for this. If you use hotmail account, it may be happened for automatic windows security update patch which was installed on your pc without your knowledge. This updates are automatically download and installed when the new version is released.
You said, when you logged on it accepts your e-mail account. So one interesting thing may  happen , id and password of your  e-mail account and Windows live are same. I think it’s not a major problem.
Thank you.
Hi Kris Humphries,
The reason is may be due to the fact that you recently started using an application which requires Windows Live login to store data in your pc. Generally, Games for Windows need this kind of activity. But do not worry. As mentioned above, your windows live login & hotmail email accounts login should be same. If want to create a separate account then, in the Date of Birth box, type your date of birth. In the Country / Region box, enter the country or region in which you reside. Select your password & secret question & answer.
Type email address & select character. You are done & ready to log in.
For further information refer to the following link: https://support.xbox.com/en-US/browse/xbox-on-windows.