Asked By
Jane Ruiz
0 points
Posted on - 01/15/2012
I have a dependable PC for a few years now and currently it is running extremely noisy. The fan use to slow down but now it runs ongoing and at maximum speed. I ensure to maintain my computers by keeping them clean. I am conscious of what I download. Because Window has so many processes running I believe that it slows down the computer. I have cleaned and dust the computer inside out. I want to keep this machine to give to my family member so I really need your help. Thanks in advance.
Answered By
Lee Seen
0 points
PC extremely loud when running
The reason as to why your PC may be extremely noisy is because there is dust that has accumulated on some crucial components like the battery, the fan and the processor and therefore affecting their performance. What you will need to do is remove the battery and clean off any dust that may have accumulated on it, dust off the fan too and the processor. You will also have to make sure that the computer has a good RAM capacity to handle the many processes that you are running on your computer. I will suggest a RAM of not less than 4GB to be assured of good performance of the computer.
-Lee Seen
PC extremely loud when running
Hello Jane,
To resolve that issue, you will need to try the following:
You will need to remove the cover from the computer.
After that you will turn it on and then pinpoint where the sound originates.
A fan with bad bearings could be one possible reasons for the loud noises.
Also a cable that is rubbing against the fan can do the same.
The problem could also be with the hard drive, and therefore if you disassemble the parts it will be easy to figure out the possible source of the issue.
Otherwise just ensure that the antivirus software on your computer is up to date, just in case the issue might be related to it.
Answered By
0 points
PC extremely loud when running
Normally noisy fan means machine CPU generate large amount of heat and so that fan uses its maximum speed by trying to cool it down and this could be a damaging scenario.
You have mentioned that you cleaned the dust on your computer but be sure to clean the dust on the fan specifically. In regards to cleaning the fans try below options.
Clean the both fans in CPU and Power Supply.
If you can see the CPU fan generate more noise, replace the CPU fan.
If you can see the power supply fan generate more noise, replace the power supply. Due to safety concerns it’s recommended not to replace only the power supply fan.
Try moving your computer to a much cooler place.