I have this problem for a while now. I was playing on my computer when it suddenly froze. I thought that I should restart it. I held the button pressed for about 1 minute and then it turned off. I decided to turn it back on but it refused. I opened my notebook and start searching for a solution and after half an hour I tried turning it on again.It worked. I thought that might be due to some Trojans or strange virus so I rebooted and started a new windows installation. While it was copying files (not installing, but copying files from the CD – BIOS part) it froze again and my installation was compromised. I then tried to put it back on without success.
I am aware of the fact that it's a hardware issue and I am willing to swap the component that isn't functioning properly but I am not really sure what might cause the trouble. Do you have any idea what should I change in order for my computer to function again ? Is it the motherboard ? video card ? hard drive ? I am really at a loss .. please help me.
Pc freezes and then won’t turn on for about 30 minutes
Because it hangs up, though it cannot be determined right then and there but you can try to replace the most common defective component when it comes to hang ups. Try to replace the memory, I suggest do not directly buy a replacement memory, just test it with a spare. Computers are often times unpredictable even to the most obvious situations, the most ridiculous solutions work. Anyways, on the replacement part, if the memory replacement does not work, try the next suspect, which is the hard drive. And if it still does not work, do the replace the next suspect and do it all over again. You may think this is just a trial an error trouble shooting, trust me, it is trial and error but we are isolating things from the most probable cause.
Pc freezes and then won’t turn on for about 30 minutes
If you were installing a fresh copy of Microsoft Windows when it froze again, check that your optical drive is connected properly. Because installing Microsoft Windows requires using the optical drive, a little problem on the drive can make the installation stop just like what happened to your installation. Check the cables connected to your optical drive, disconnect and reconnect it.
Shut down your computer then open the CPU case. Locate your optical drive inside. Disconnect the ribbon cable and the power supply cable from the optical drive and then connect them back. Turn on your computer and try installing Microsoft Windows again. See if this works. If the problem continues, check every device connected to your motherboard like the memory modules, video card, sound card, network card, and others.
Just like what you did in the optical drive, try to disconnect these devices from their slots and then reconnect them.