PCI or PCI Express x16 graphics card.

I am going to start gaming very soon. I have a PCI Express x16 graphic card present in my motherhood, will this graphic card be working for me? How it is better than PCI.

I am going to start gaming very soon. I have a PCI Express x16 graphic card present in my motherhood, will this graphic card be working for me? How it is better than PCI.
So basically PCI is Peripheral Component Interconnect, which is in general a computer bus that is favorably required for connecting the hardware devices. PCI-express x-16 is, however, a quite decent then the older version, being doubly wide then it. Also, the speed is comparatively better than the PCI older version almost double.
Even talking about the communication speed, we have PCI-X gives 1.06GB/s while the PCI is much lesser than that. Which gives better fault tolerance and higher bandwidth.