Persistent WinXP “Bad Image” errors

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hello everyone,

I would like to share a problem of mine and get a suggestion from you. I have Windows XP on my PC. Whenever I try to do anything like play games, browse online, or work with documents, a notification appears on my screen. It is – DLL:/WINDOWS/system32/rasman.dll Bad image. I’d like a suggestion from you about solving this problem. I am not very good with these things. If it is possible to give a simple and understandable solution, it would be helpful to me. Thank you in advance.

Answered By 0 points N/A #149425

Persistent WinXP “Bad Image” errors


Rasman short for Remote Access Connection Manager.

Rasman.dll – Remote Access, system process that is needed for your computer.

This system process should not remove or uninstall because it may slow down or affect your PC performance but you can STOP its process if you don’t want to have a Remote access. The error you encounter is the result of conflicting applications on your computer. Some unused process and services are still running and need to stop

Follow this step:

1. Go to start menu, select and click RUN (you may also type Run in the text field).

From Start goto Run

2. Then a text field appears, type "services.msc" then enter.

3. Then the Services application appears, scroll down and you will find the Remote Access Connection Manager.

Srvice Remote access connection

4. Then select the Remote Access Connection Manager and Stop the process by clicking the stop button.

5. Then close the Services Application and Restart your computer.

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