PGP desktop hangs while encryption/decryption
My PGP Desktop keeps hanging while encrypting/decrypting. The hard drive is locked up at 2.48% since last night. Is there problem with the hard drive? How can this problem be solved?
My PGP Desktop keeps hanging while encrypting/decrypting. The hard drive is locked up at 2.48% since last night. Is there problem with the hard drive? How can this problem be solved?
Hi Abrahamahartman,
The steps to solve the problem of PGP desktop during the encryption and decryption are as follows:
1) Click 'Start', Go to 'All Programs', select 'Accessories'
2) Right click on the command prompt, select 'Run as administrator'
3) In the window, type 'cdProgram Files(x86)PGP CorporationPGP Desktop'
4) If the user wants to decrypt, type the command 'pgpwde –decrypt –passphrase "passphrase" –disk 0'
5) If the user wants to encrypt, type the command 'pgpwde –encrypt –passphrase "passphrase" –disk 0'
6) The request successful message will be displayed on the screen
7) After this the Windows PGP desktop window will be successfully resumed