Phone Or Tablet Are Good Electronic Devices Option

Is selling a phone or a tablet or for that matter any electronic device a good option? If yes then what steps must be taken before selling/trading/giving away the device?

Is selling a phone or a tablet or for that matter any electronic device a good option? If yes then what steps must be taken before selling/trading/giving away the device?
Data is of utmost importance nowadays. Our devices are filled with random clicks, videos, in case of people who forget passwords and sometimes some extremely private bank details, etc. Places in China are known to pay much more for a used device than a brand-new device because data is important. So here are some important do’s one must follow:
1) Logout from all possible apps, even apps like CamScanner.
2) Delete all apps downloaded by you so that no one gets to know about your choices.
3) Delete all notes and lists made.
4) Take a backup of your device so that all contacts, photos, and videos stay with you.
5) Factory reset your device, it ensures deletion of all accounts and personal details too.
6) Fill your phone again with junk, maybe files of no meaning to you, random videos, texts, etc.
7) Again, factory reset your device.
Last two steps are important because otherwise there are techniques by which all the data can be recovered. So, it is always better to be on the safer side.
After this, the device is ready to sell.