Minimum requirements for installing Photo Story 3

Hi! Techyv,
I get this error message when I try to open

 I have Windows 7.

Hi! Techyv,
I get this error message when I try to open
 I have Windows 7.
Hello! Gabriel
Photo Story 3 is a great program yet it was designed for Windows XP OS. That's why it cannot run on your current OS which is Windows 7. That is the problem for it is very incompatible just like the pop up says.
Well you can try running the program on compatibility mode and choosing the desired OS which is Windows XP. Most of the time it will solve the problem and will allow you to run previous OS to the desired program. In doing this right click on the Program and click Properties you should be able to see the Compatibility Tab, then click the drop down menu.
Choose Windows XP, then click Apply and Ok. This should let the software run on Windows 7.
If not try to look if there are recent updates for Photo story or you could use another software with the same function and is compatible with your system OS.
Hope this helps!