Photoshop CS2 crashes down in vista

My computer slows down when I start Photoshop.
But the Problem is the Photoshop crashes in between critical works.
How can I repair my Photoshop

My computer slows down when I start Photoshop.
But the Problem is the Photoshop crashes in between critical works.
How can I repair my Photoshop
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Photoshop? Or the software is legitimate? Sometimes there are programs that are just downloaded on the net and then you install it, normally other good files performs well but there are few who doesn't. I had a software of Illustrator, still adobe that normally crashes each time I used it. Even I tried to uninstall and reinstall it's still the same. Until I have found another software replacement. I have uninstall the previous that crashes all the time and tried the new software. It works pretty well until now. Maybe you should try it. This might help. It irritates sometimes that you're in between your work then you haven't got the chance to save it because it crashes already. Then again you have to redo the file again. Consumes time and effort.
It probably depends on what version of Adobe Photoshop is installed on your computer. If you are just using Adobe Photoshop 7.0, I don’t think you will encounter a problem because I’ve been using this version even when my computer has still a very low memory and it still performed very well. If your computer suddenly gets slow while starting Adobe Photoshop, you are probably using Adobe Photoshop CS2 and or you have a very small RAM.
If the program crashes, check if your computer meets all the requirements not only for the operating system but for the hardware as well. If you experience a slow down in the system but the application is working then it could be a small memory or a slow processor. Check the amount of RAM installed on your computer.
If you have a much smaller RAM than what is required then you should upgrade or add more RAM to your computer. In case your computer is installed with a much higher amount of RAM but still you experience these issues, try upgrading the processor. Also, try replacing Adobe Photoshop with an earlier version probably one step older with your current version.