Photoshop CS6 fails to repeat transform applied to Smart Object
Hello All,
I recently discovered that Photoshop CS6 hates repeating transformations. Here is one issue that has been bugging me. Please take a look. I can transform a 400 MB Smart Object using without any issues. Then I try to repeat this transformation on another target by choosing ‘Again’ from ‘Transform’. And this time, Photoshop gives me a warning that says the result would be too big and due to this the transform cannot be completed. I tried for a second time as follows: I make a brush stroke in new layer of a new file. Then I converted the layer with the brush stroke into a smart object. Next I create a new layer to copy this smart object and try I stretched the original smart object. Finally I target the duplicate Smart object and try to repeat the stretching transformation, I get this same error. I have no idea as to what is causing this issue. Can someone throw some light on this? Thanks in advance.
Adobe Photoshop
Could not repeat the transform because the result would be too big.