I am a web designer and am trying to work on one of my application called Phoxo.
It allows me to change and modify my fonts. I have been using this for a while. Lately I have been receiving this error message
Font Error
You can not use Font-Chick. It does not support Font Style-Regular. Changes Font-Arial
I was not sure what this error exactly meant. Has anyone come across this error message? If so please help me with a solution.
I need to complete my project with the help of this application and I am not able to get past this error message.
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Phoxo error message while performing an action
 1)   Do you recall making any changes to the computer before this happened?
 2)   Does this happen with other programs as well?
 I would suggest you to try the following steps:
 a.   Open Fonts by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Fonts.
 b.   See if you have Tahoma and Verdana in there.
 c.   Make sure that both Tahoma Regular and Tahoma Bold (also veranda regularbold) are there.
Uninstall font:
Select the fonts (which are causing problem) On the File menu, click Delete.
If you don’t see the File menu, press ALT.
Install or uninstall fonts.
Download full version.