PIC MicroController Integration of Hardware and Software
What are the components of PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller) that makes easy to integrate hardware and software?
What are the components of PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller) that makes easy to integrate hardware and software?
For complete list of details go to this link and follow the instructions.
First of all, make the IC arrangement that you will be going to use in the system for the specific purpose.
Check the on board power supply devices if they are working properly or not and align them correctly.
Add the respective capacitors to the whole setup to support crucial features.
Reset switch must be there in order to reverse everything
Resonator must be present in the system. It is very important part of the system.
Check the outputs and their connection with the inputs and make a test sample to check if they are correctly connected with the rest of the setup.
PIC stands for Peripheral Interface Controller and is a line of customized Harvard architecture microcontrollers which are designed by Microchip Technology.
It was originally from PIC1650 which was then designed by General Instrument under Microelectronics Division.
It is popular to both hobbyists and industrial developers because of its low cost, large user base, free development tools, wide availability, serial programming as well as reprogramming with flash memory, and wide range set of application notes.
The original design of PIC was mainly created to work with CP1600. It is a 16-bit CPU designed by General Instrument. Although it was a good CPU, the only problem was that it had a bad Input / Output performance.
The 8-bit PIC used was created in 1975 to enhance the performance of the overall system. A PIC has a group of registers that works as the general purpose RAM.