Ping is installed by Linux operating system.

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Ping is a well known tool to check network connectivity between two IP hosts.

Ping is installed by default on Windows, Apple and Linux/Unix operating systems.

It uses the ICMP protocol which has been created to check IP connectivity and get information about other machines in an IP network.

Please give me the details about how a ping program works under Telnet on a Linux network?

Best Answer by Henry Charles
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #151884

Ping is installed by Linux operating system.


TELNET command is used to login from one system to another system that is to remotely login to a system on the network. Login name and password are required if you are logging in to another account on any other system.

For ping to work with Telnet, Firstly Install the TELNET. Do check that the Firewall is not blocking the Telnet.

Check the Linux system to ensure the Telnet is enabled on it and no intermediate firewall is blocking it.

Create an account on your system with a valid username and password

To check if the Telnet service is running, log on at the Linux console and use this command:

netstat –a | grep “Telnet. *LISTEN*

The output should be this

tcp               0        0        *.telnet                            *. *                        LISTEN                  

If you are using Redhat/ Fedora

Then you can use the following command:

Chkconfig Telnet on

Chkconfig – list  | grep telnet

The output should be

telnet: on

Answered By 0 points N/A #151886

Ping is installed by Linux operating system.


Ping is one of the most common method used to test connectivity across multiple networks.

Ping sends echo packets that request a corresponding ICMP echo-reply responses from the device at the target address, most servers respond to a ping query.

Three way handshake occur between Linux network and thus how ping work in Linux network

Answered By 0 points N/A #151885

Ping is installed by Linux operating system.


Hello Mike Pincher,

Good day!

It's good to hear about your concern about Linux system. I have found some links which could surely assist you on how to ping or Telnet on Linux system. This would be the fastest way to assist you, I hope this would be of great help.

Please check on the links below:

This link would provide you Linux tools which will be helpful:

This video can provide you steps on how you can create Telnet server:

This will let you configure Telnet:

This will give you information about Linux tools:

Good luck!

Rios Louise

Answered By 0 points N/A #151883

Ping is installed by Linux operating system.



In order for you to get ping program to work with Telnet on Linux, you should check the following: First, install Telnet client to your machine and add an exception to the firewall. Specify the name Telnet so that your firewall does not block Telnet. Then, Check UNIX server to see if it is enabled.

Telnet could be disabled to enable the user to you use SSH and create UNIX login Username and password. Now, log on to see if Telnet is running. Use the console command and enter the code provided in TELNET.txt file attached to this message.

I hope this is helpful.

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