Please provide me instructions and pointers about After Effects CC? Before we begin in a project what are storyboards and scripts? What are the best pointer in planning my project? What are the best ways in acquiring and choosing for the best footage? What will be the best thing to know about pixel, aspect ratio and frame aspect ratio? What will be the best way for me to avoid long work and best way to maximize the capability of Adobe After Effects CC? Provide me additional information about how useful it is in implementing this features in my projects? Thank you very much and have a nice day!
Planning and setup in Adobe After Effects CC software
The Adobe after effects is based on layer oriented software. Each media objects like images, video clips, etc. The track oriented system is suitable for adoption and more simple.
The compositing packages that employ tree workflows such as nuke software volumes within a composite. Footage files where layer ordering and timing can adjusted by the user.
The after effect can be imported and designed many formats, filters, and adjustments. It is selectively capable hides the layer or pre compositions.
The adobe after effects is suitable 2d and 3d space with many different built in tools which downloaded from the internet plug user is looking for.