Platform Independency Of A Java Program

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Why is a Java program platform independent? What are the features of Java? Which component makes it platform independent?

Answered By 20 points N/A #185833

Platform Independency Of A Java Program



A Java Program is platform independent due to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM converts any Java Code to machine understandable code thus, making it platform independent. The features of a Java program are platform independency, High Security, Robustness, Simple, Object Oriented, Dynamic, Portable, etc.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #185835

Platform Independency Of A Java Program


Java is a programming language specifically designed to be used in the distributed environment of the internet. It was designed to have the look and feel to that of the C++ programming language. Though it has the resemblance of the C++ programming language, it is much easier to use than the C++ language and implements an object-oriented programming model.

You can use Java to create an entirely complete application that can run on a single computer or distributed between servers and client on a network. You can also use it to create small application module or applet to be used as part of a web page. Using applets, it is easier for a user to interact with the page. The following are the major characteristics of Java:

  • * Programs created in Java are portable in a network. The source program is compiled into what Java calls “bytecode” which can then be started anywhere in a network on a server or a client that has Java virtual machine.
  • * The code created in Java is strong. Different from the programs written in C++ and other languages, the Java objects can have no references to data external to themselves or other identified objects.
  • * Java is object-oriented.
  • * Besides the fact that it can be launched at the client instead of the server, a Java applet has other characteristics intended to make it run faster.
  • * Java is easier to learn, in relation to the C++ programming language.
Answered By 0 points N/A #185838

Platform Independency Of A Java Program



Java is an Object Orient Programming language, with tremendous portability and power. For more information visit this Techyv link : The concept of Java programming and all that it entails

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