Play a song when login to computer

Yes Pia, it is totally possible to play a song when you login to windows 7 or for that matter any other version of windows. All you need to do is to go to control panel, go to sounds and there you will find a default sound for the event 'windows start'. You can browse and select a sound file of your own choice there. Apply and save the changes and voilla, you are all set to listen to the song whenever your windows start.
You can also set music for any other event like window maximize, minimize or when computer shuts down.
Enjoy the music.
I also thought of that before and I already did it on one of my older operating systems, in Windows Millennium. It feels good at first especially because you are always hearing the music you love every time you start Windows but as time goes by it gets a little bit boring. So what I did to have variations in the sound it plays during startup, I set it to play different music each time Windows boots up. I used a batch file to handle the files and to set which sound is assigned next on the next boot.
But don’t get me wrong. When I said it plays music, I don’t mean the whole length of the music. The length of the music should be cut according to the length of the default startup WAV file. I did this so that it will not affect the booting time of the computer. I tried extending the length of the music file and it made the booting process long because the system will wait for the music to stop before continuing to boot.
You can change the sound it plays during startup with your favorite music by renaming your file as “Windows 7 Startup.wav” and placing it in “C:WINDOWSMedia”. But before overwriting the original “Windows 7 Startup.wav” file create a backup copy first. Besides changing the sound in the startup, you can also do this in the shutdown sound.
Wonderful solutions guys and I wish to thank you all. I am very fond of music and for that I want to play a song at login time on my PC. Thank you for your excellent solutions. Actually, I think it was very difficult to carry the task into effect but after reading your solution, I have learned that this task was not so hard and all your comments are very effective and easy to understand for the people who got the same problem like mine. Your practical experience was really perfect too, because this knowledge will be helpful for me in future. At the eleventh hour by following your step by step process now, I am able to configure this task with my Windows 7. Thanks guys as well as Techyv because I have found a solution.