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Posted on - 06/04/2012
I've been playing spore for a couple of months. Recently when I started the game I unexpectedly got an error: "Spore has detected an error…"
I have the spore with the genuine expansion. Anyone encountered similar problems like this?
Can anyone suggest me ,how to fix it?
Playing Spore Genuine Version Error
Hi Davionevan,
Just patch it, download from this link
Patches begins on 1.01 but you don't need to install them all, just 5 and six.
If the above solution will not work, copy the folder and see if the new folder has an error. If you can get the same error, it means that the problem is the content.
Try getting into the folder using the command Prompt, once you are in, copy the files of the folder and save to different folder. Here you can identify the bad from good files, if bad files are important to you, just save them in notepad before deleting them.
C:documents and Settingscomputerapplication DataSPORE