Please explain caching concept ?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Anyone please explain the Caching concept internally which IIS is handling.

Explain the sequences of events which happens from button press in the Client window and request reaches to IIS.

How the Caching is maintained?

Answered By 0 points N/A #117576

Please explain caching concept ?



Hi IamWhatIam,


I did some research and this answer of some of your question.


Caching is known idea in computer science. A huge presentation helps by storing those in RAM when program frequently contact the same set of instruction. By quickly retrieving from RAM programs prevents access the millions of times during execution. Caching it avoids a roundtrip to the origin web server and as an alternative retrieves the file from a local PC browser cache or a proxy cache closer to the user. Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Netscape are the commonly encountered caches on the web found in a user browser. HTTP header directives that tell the browser how long the object can be considered fresh such as web page, image, or JavaScript. While the browser represents the cache next to the end user it offers the utmost presentation benefit whenever content can be stored there.

This would help. Thanks.



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