Please give me details on Lantronix’s Zano

Zano is a nano drone which was conceived by Lantronix, a Welsh company that builds Wi-Fi gear for different defense companies. If there is a single problem with using a drone for aerial photography, it’s that the cost or price of buying one is extremely high.
It’s highly unlikely that regular folks are going to throw out a thousand dollars on a drone and additionally for an action camera that will escort them while strolling around. And that’s the reason why they come up with this kind of drone, to bring down the price under $300 which will allow more people to try and buy it.
Since Lantronix is engaged in building military Wi-Fi modules, this means the Zano drone is equipped with military-grade wireless connectivity and has the capacity to control or handle its own flight. This avoids novice pilots from crashing on their initial attempt. The Zano drone supports a 5-megapixel camera, a replaceable battery, can shoot video clips up to 60 fps, and has the ability to swarm.
It was launched in the summer of 2015 and is compatible with Android and iOS devices.